Friday, April 1, 2011

John I. White

by Tony Russell, Praguefrank, Steve Hathaway

9 August 1929 New York City – John I. White aka Whitey Johns (John I. White [vcl] + unknown musicians)
001 8923-1 THE LITTLE OLD SOD SHANTY ARC unissued
002 8924-1 GREAT GRAND DAD unissued
19 September 1929 New York City – John I. White aka Whitey Johns (John I. White [vcl] + unknown musicians)
003 8923-2 THE LITTLE OLD SOD SHANTY CQ 7433 JE5723 CQ7725 DO4440 BA6532 POR1715 PE12567
004 8924-2 GREAT GRAND DAD CQ7434 JE5749 RE8881 OR1751 RO1109 BA6561 CA9314 PE12567 DO 4440
on Domino, Pathe, Perfect, Ragal Conquerer as by Lone Star Ranger, on Romeo as by Jimmie Price, on Oriole and Jewel as by Whitey Joe
12 October 1929 New York City – John I. White (John I. White [vcl] + unknown musicians)
005 9073-A,C FARM RELIEF SONG CQ7438 JE5749 CHQ852 BA6531 CA9315 DO4442 OR1751 CHG852 RE8885
on Domino, Pathe, Perfect, Ragal Conquerer as by Lone Star Ranger, on Cameo, Romeo as by Jimmie Price
13 November 1929 New York City - John I. White as by Lone Star Ranger (John I. White [vcl] + unknown musicians)
006 9136-2-3 THE CROW SONG PE12583 JE5810 CQ7466 BA0556 DO4476 RE8921 OR1810 RO1176 CHG878 CQ7728
007 9137-2-3 THE DESERTED CABIN BA0556 JE5810 CQ7726 OR1810 RO1176 CA0156 DO4477 CHG878
22 November 1929 New York City - John I. White as by Lone Star Ranger or The Old Sexton (John I. White [vcl] + unknown musicians)
009 9172-3 AT FATHER POWER'S GRAVE CQ7726 BA0560 JE5812 OR1812 DO4477 CA0160
010 9173 THE UNMARKED GRAVE BA0560 JE5812 OR1812 CA0160
4 December 1929 New York City – John I. White as by The Lone Star Ranger or Lonesome Cowboy (John I. White [vcl] + unknown musicians)
011 9203-1-2 THE PRISON WARDEN'S SECRET BA0581 DO4492 RE8938 OR1837 RO1200 CHG875 PE12589 CQ7482
012 9204-2 TRAIN THAT NEVER ARRIVED BA0585 OR1841 RO1204 CA0185 JE5841 Broadway 8142
013 9205-1-3 PAPPY'S BURIED ON THE HILL BA0649 DO4492 RE8938 OR1904 RO1268 PE12589 CQ7482
23 January 1930 New York City – John I. White as by The Lone Star Ranger or Lonesome Cowboy (John I. White [vcl] + unknown musicians)
014 9302-2 I'M JUST THE BLACK SHEEP BA0618 DO4509 RE8954 OR1875 RO1237 PE12591 JE5875 [take-4] CQ7492
015 9303-3 HILLBILLY COURTSHIP BA0617 JE5873 OR1873 RO1235 CA0217
5 February 1930 New York City – John I. White as by The Lone Star Ranger (John I. White [vcl], ? [gt], ? [banjo], poss. Adelyne Hood [fiddle], poss. Ross Giorman [clarinet])
016 9341-1-2-3 ELEVEN MORE MONTHS AND TEN MORE DAYS PE12598 CQ7727 CQ7509 OR1904 JE5904 BA0649 DO4529
31 March 1930 New York City – John I. White aka Whitey Johns (John I. White [vcl] + unknown musicians)
017 9539-3-4 TAKE CARE OF THE FARMER BA0682 JE5935 CQ7549 OR1935 RO1298
018 9540-1 THE PRISONER'S ROSARY unissued
14 April 1930 New York City – John I. White aka Whitey Johns (John I. White [vcl] + unknown musicians)
019 9540-2-5-7 THE PRISONER'S ROSARY BA0707 RE10019 OR1964 RO1328 CHG895 PE12637 CQ7603
2 April 1931 New York City - John I. White aka John White, The Lonesome Cowboy (John I. White [vcl] + unknown musicians)
020 10541-2 WHOOPEE TI YO (GIT ALONG LITTLE DOGGIES) BA32179 PE12709 CQ7753 RO1629 OR8066 RO5066
021 10542-2 STRAWBERRY ROAN [by Curley Fletcher] BA32179 PE12709 CQ7753 RO1629 OR8066 RO5066
16 April 1931 New York City - John I. White aka John White, The Lonesome Cowboy (John I. White [vcl] + unknown musicians)
022 10571-1-2 STRAWBERRY ROAN [by Howard/Vincent] CQ8037 PE10571 BA32179 OR8066 RO5066 RO1629


ARC labels (1929-1931)
6531 Farm Relief Song
6532 The Little Old Sod Shanty
6561 Great Grand Dad
0556 The Crow Song / The Deserted Cabin
0583 When Bill Hilly Plays A Hill Billy Upon His Violin
0560 At Father Power's Grave / The Unmarked Grave 
0581 The Prison Warden's Secret  
0585 Train That Never Arrived 
0649 Pappy's Buried On The Hill  / Eleven More Months And Ten More Days
0618 I'm Just The Black Sheep 
0617 Hillbilly Courtship
0682 Take Care Of The Farmer
0707 The Prisoner's Rosary
32179 Whoopee Ti Yo (Git Along Little Doggies) / Strawberry Roan [By Curley Fletcher]
unlisted reverse sides by other artists (mostly by Carson Robison)
12567 The Little Old Sod Shanty / Great Grand Dad
12583 The Crow Song /
12589 The Prison Warden's Secret /  Pappy's Buried On The Hill  
12591 I'm Just The Black Sheep /
12598 Eleven More Months And Ten More Days /
12637 The Prisoner's Rosary /
12709 Whoopee Ti Yo (Git Along Little Doggies) / Strawberry Roan
unlisted reverse sides by other artists (mostly by Carson Robison)
5723 The Little Old Sod Shanty
5749 Great Grand Dad / Farm Relief Song
5810 The Crow Song / The Deserted Cabin
5812 At Father Power's Grave /  The Unmarked Grave
5837 The Prison Warden's Secret /
5839 When Bill Hilly Plays A Hill Billy Upon His Violin
5841 Train That Never Arrived
5873 Hillbilly Courtship 
5875 I'm Just The Black Sheep  
5904 Eleven More Months And Ten More Days / Pappy's Buried On The Hill [as Lone Star Ranger]
5935 Take Care Of The Farmer
5964 The Prisoner's Rosary
unlisted reverse sides by other artists (mostly by Carson Robison)
4440 The Little Old Sod Shanty / Great Grand Dad
4442 Farm Relief Song /
4476 The Crow Song
4477 The Deserted Cabin /  At Father Power's Grave
4492 The Prison Warden's Secret / Pappy's Buried On The Hill
4509 I'm Just The Black Sheep
4529 Eleven More Months And Ten More Days 
unlisted reverse sides by other artists (mostly by Carson Robison)
1106 Farm Relief Song
1109 Great Grand Dad
1118 The Little Old Sod Shanty
1176 The Crow Song / The Deserted Cabin
1200 The Prison Warden's Secret
1204 Train That Never Arrived 
1205 When Bill Hilly Plays A Hill Billy Upon His Violin
1235 Hillbilly Courtship
1237 I'm Just The Black Sheep  
1268 Pappy's Buried On The Hill  / Eleven More Months And Ten More Days
1298 Take Care Of The Farmer
1328 The Prisoner's Rosary
1629 Whoopee Ti Yo (Git Along Little Doggies) / Strawberry Roan
unlisted reverse sides by other artists (mostly by Carson Robison)
Conqueror  (Lone Star Ranger)
7433 The Little Old Sod Shanty /
7434 Great Grand Dad /
7438 Farm Relief Song /
7466 The Crow Song /
7482 The Prison Warden's Secret /  Pappy's Buried On The Hill - 30
7492 I'm Just The Black Sheep /
7509 Eleven More Months And Ten More Days /
7549 Take Care Of The Farmer /
7603 The Prisoner's Rosary /
7726 The Deserted Cabin /  At Father Power's Grave - 30
7727 Eleven More Months And Ten More Days /
7753 Whoopee Ti Yo (Git Along Little Doggies) / Strawberry Roan [By Curley Fletcher]
8037 Strawberry Roan [By Howard/Vincent] /
unlisted reverse sides by other artists (mostly by Carson Robison)
877 Eleven More Months And Ten More Days [as Lone Star Ranger] / Stay Away From My Chicken House [by Frankie Wallace]
more singles on various ARC labels exist


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